Facilities Repeatedly Requiring Repair and Reconstruction (F4R)


The federal government is requiring all states to identify and conduct evaluations of facilities that have had catastrophic damage resulting in state emergency declarations on two or more occasions. These requirements are described in 23 CFR 667. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is responsible for evaluations of all highways and bridges designated as F4R facilities. Local governments must complete evaluations for all applicable local facilities on which a project is included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Evaluations help governments assess repair and reconstruction costs relative to the likelihood of a future event and consider alternatives.

Diagram of facility evaluation 

What is needed for the evaluation

The regulation does not dictate a specific method for the evaluations. WisDOT has developed guidance to meet the federal requirement; see Facilities Development Manual Section 3-22.

Analyses performed as part of an evaluation of roads, highways, and bridges may include:

  • Identification and consideration of any alternative that will mitigate, or partially or fully resolve,
    the root cause of the recurring damage
  • The costs of achieving the solution
  • The duration of the solution
  • Consideration of recurring damage and cost of future repair under current and future
    environmental conditions

Why evaluations are needed

If federal funds are requested for a project on a F4R facility, an evaluation must be completed prior to the project’s inclusion in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Association (FHWA) can consider the results of evaluations when approving federal funding for affected projects.

Evaluations are also required for projects requesting state funding or using local funds, and it is good practice to complete them for all applicable facilities. Catastrophic damage is expensive to repair and an evaluation may make critical transportation infrastructure more resilient against future emergency events.

The local program applications will certify that evaluations have occurred, if necessary.

See FHWA's guidance regarding implementation of 23 CFR 667.

F4R Facility Database

WisDOT has identified 23 F4R locations through​ analysis of catastrophic damage repairs dating back to January 1, 1997. All are located in WisDOT’s Northwest and Southwest regions. This data may be useful to local governments in identifying other facilities which require evaluations.

For more information on WisDOT’s designation of F4R locations, see the Overview of F4R Designation.

Most Common Federal and State Programs

See all WisDOT road and bridge assistance programs.


Please direct any questions ​to:

John Nordbo
(608) 267-7751