Local consultation

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) cooperates and consults continually with local officials and tribal governments in areas of the state that are not served by Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). ​The Department has updated its Coordination Document (23 CFR 450.210(2)(b)), which outlines the Department’s processes for coordinating with these and other parties during the development of required planning products and other select programs. This document was formerly titled Documentation of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Process for Cooperation and Consultation with Local Officials and Tribal Governments in Non-Metropolitan Areas.

The updated ​Coordination Document also includes the Public Involvement Plans (PIPs) for:

  • Wisconsin’s Multimodal Long-Range Transportation Plan, Connect 2050
  • The Wisconsin Rail Plan 2050
  • The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

Comments received during the public comment period (January 29 through March 29, 2021)

Contact: Bureau of Planning and Economic Development