I-535 and US 53 (Blatnik Bridge), Superior to Duluth, Minn. - Douglas County and St. Louis County, Minn.


The John A. Blatnik Bridge carries I-535 and US 53 over the Saint Louis Bay, a tributary of Lake Superior, between Superior, Wis., and Duluth, Minn.


The Wisconsin and Minnesota Departments of Transportation are planning a future project to replace the bridge and its aging infrastructure, improve safety and accommodate oversize/overweight loads. The bridge is currently load posted for 40 tons.​

The structure, built in 1961, is jointly owned and managed by the two agencies. MnDOT is taking the lead on the project and has created a website that will be the main site for sharing project information with the public.

MnDOT Blatnik Bridge Replacement webpage can be found here:  I-535 Blatnik Bridge - MnDOT (state.mn.us) 

If interested, please sign up for project email updates on the MnDOT webpage found here:  Minnesota Department of Transportation (govdelivery.com)


Here is the current schedule:

  • 2020-24: Preferred alternative selection and environmental documentation.
  • 2023-25: Preliminary design.
  • 2025-26: Final design.
  • 2025-32: Phased construction, with complete bridge closure for four to five years.

Bicycle/​​Pedestrian Survey

The Minnesota and Wisconsin Departments of Transportation conducted a survey to assist in evaluating the possibility of adding a walking and bicycling path to the Blatnik Bridge as part of future reconstruction or rehabilitation project later this decade.

Public Inv​​olvement

The Minnesota and Wisconsin Departments of Transportation are hosting a public hearing for the project from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 3 at the Superior Public Library, 1530 Tower Ave. There will be a presentation of the environmental assessment at 5:30 p.m.

People are welcome to submit comments on the documents through Oct. 19. The materials and a presentation on them can be found on the project website.


Marc Bowker
WisDOT Northwest Region Planning Engineer
(715) 635-4973

Paul Conlin
WisDOT Northwest Region Project Development Manager
(715) 833-5364

Brent Pickard
WisDOT Northwest Region Deputy Director
(715) 392-7939

Christena T. O'Brien
WisDOT Northwest Region Communications Manager
(715) 833-9814, (715) 829-9471

Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
Northwest Region, Superior Office
1701 N. 4th St.
Superior, WI 54880-1068
(715) 392-7925, (800) 590-1868
WI Telecommunications Relay System (TTY): 711