I-535 and US 53 (Blatnik Bridge), Superior to Duluth, Minn. - Douglas County and St. Louis County, Minn.


The John A. Blatnik Bridge carries I-535 and US 53 over the Saint Louis Bay, a tributary of Lake Superior, between Superior, Wis., and Duluth, Minn.


The Wisconsin and Minnesota Departments of Transportation are planning a future project to replace the bridge and its aging infrastructure, improve safety and accommodate oversize/overweight loads. The bridge is currently load posted for 40 tons.

The structure, built in 1961, is jointly owned and managed by the two agencies. MnDOT is taking the lead on the project and has created a website that will be the main site for sharing project information with the public.

MnDOT Blatnik Bridge Replacement webpage can be found here: I-535 Blatnik Bridge - MnDOT (state.mn.us)

If interested, please sign up for project email updates on the MnDOT webpage found here: Minnesota Department of Transportation (govdelivery.com).


  • Preliminary design: 2023-26.
  • Final design: 2026-27.
  • Construction: 2026-31.
    • The bridge is expected to be closed to traffic for approximately four years, beginning in 2027.

Public Comments

WisDOT is proposing to designate US 53 as a freeway from the Wisconsin/Minnesota state line to 50 feet north or the US 53/North Fifth Street intersection in Superior.

Comments on the proposed designation are being accepted through Feb. 16, 2025, and can be shared by:

  • Email: marc.bowker@dot.wi.gov
  • Mail: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
    718 W. Clairemont Ave.
    Eau Claire, WI 54701
    Attn.: Marc Bowker


Marc Bowker
WisDOT Northwest Region Planning Engineer
(715) 635-4973

Beth Cunningham
WisDOT Northwest Region Project Manager
(715) 635-4973

Christena T. O'Brien
WisDOT Northwest Region Communications Manager
(715) 833-9814, (715) 829-9471

Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
Northwest Region, Superior Office
1701 N. 4th St.
Superior, WI 54880-1068
(715) 392-7925, (800) 590-1868
WI Telecommunications Relay System (TTY): 711