I-94 (0.95 mile west of WIS 65 to County J), Roberts to town of Pleasant Valley - St. Croix County


The proposed project includes the following two segments along I-94:

  • 0.95 mile west of WIS 65 to WIS 65 in the village of Roberts.
  • 140th Street to County J in the towns of Kinnickinnic and Pleasant Valley.


Because of cross-median crashes, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is proposing to:

  • Install cable guard in the highway median at those locations.
  • Place gravel along the shoulder.
  • Reconstruct drainage structures.
  • Restore the construction site by placing seed and fertilizer.

Schedule - Updated

Construction currently is scheduled for 2025.

Traffic Impacts

During construction, I-94 will remain open to traffic, but motorists will encounter single-lane and shoulder closures.

Project Documents

Please review the following for more information about the proposed project:


Tyson Pelkofer
WisDOT Northwest Region Project Manager
(715) 836-2067

Dave Koepp
WisDOT Northwest Region Project Supervisor
(715) 563-8402

Christena T. O'Brien
WisDOT Northwest Region Communications Manager
(715) 833-9814, (715) 828-9471

Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
Northwest Region, Eau Claire Office
718 W. Clairemont Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 836-2891, (800) 991-5285