WIS 29 from 320th Street east of Boyd in the Chippewa County town of Delmar to Koser Avenue west of the Clark County city of Thorp in the town of Thorp.
Overview - Updated
The pavement on WIS 29 is showing signs of deterioration. To address this, the proposed Wisconsin Department of Transportation project will:
- Patch the concrete pavement.
- Place 3.75 inches of asphalt over the existing roadway.
- Remove a portion of the existing pavement on the WIS 29 on- and off-ramps at the County H interchange in Stanley and on County H between the east- and westbound ramps and place new asphalt pavement.
- Repair culverts as needed.
- Rehabilitate the structure over Hay Creek east of Boyd.
- Close and remove the intersection on WIS 29 at 320th Street per the town of Delmar's request.
Construction is scheduled for 2026.
Traffic Impacts
During construction:
- Work on WIS 29 travel lanes and shoulders would be completed using single-lane closures and a reduction of the speed limit.
- Work on the County H ramps at Stanley would be completed half at a time, meaning the on- and off-ramps on the side where work was occurring would be closed while the ramps on the other side would remain open.
- Work on County H would be completed using lane closures controlled by flagging.
Project Documents
Nick Pitsch
WisDOT Northwest Region Project Manager
(715) 225-1271
Jim Koenig
WisDOT Northwest Region Project Supervisor
(715) 838-8391
Christena T. O’Brien
WisDOT Northwest Region Communications Manager
(715) 833-9814, (715) 828-9471
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Northwest Region, Eau Claire Office
718 W. Clairemont Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 836-2891, (800) 991-5285