Electrification of Wisconsin

Wisconsin Electrification Initiative logo 

While EVs have existed for years, the increased emphasis on this potentially transformative technology will have exciting and significant impacts to Wisconsin's economy, workforce, and transportation system in the years to come.
WisDOT's mission is to provide leadership in the development and operation of a safe and efficient transportation system. As EVs continue to alter the status quo of the transportation system, WisDOT will continue to collaborate with government, industry, and the public to create innovative transportation solutions that meet the needs of our state and contribute to the health and well-being of our communities.

"There is a growing demand for sustainable transportation options in Wisconsin and WisDOT is committed to keeping up with those needs. We are making great progress in our efforts to build out a reliable electric vehicle charging infrastructure in every corner of the state to help drivers get to school, work and appointments. We are thrilled to provide this essential service to commuters, travelers and visitors while supporting local businesses long into the future."
- Secretary Kristina Boardman

On November 15, 2024, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approved Wisconsin's 2024 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan update. The Plan update document can be accessed below.

Access the Wisconsin Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Plan 2024 Update 

(This document contains alternative text describing images, charts, diagrams and other elements. To utilize this feature, download the document to your computer and open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
The 2024 Plan update approval letter can be found here.

EVs are designed to run on electricity generated through an EV battery, eliminating the need for gasoline. They are energy efficient and environmentally friendly, require less maintenance than internal combustion engines (ICE) and run quietly.
Most EVs can travel more than 150 miles on a single charge and some can travel 200 to 300 miles or more. Several factors impact the battery charge including battery type and ambient temperature as cold weather significantly decreases the range. EV battery design efforts continue to create more efficient options for consumers, allowing more miles per charge and faster charging than ever before.
According to respected national research firms, EVs are expected to comprise over half of all passenger vehicles sold in the United States by 2040, increasing the need for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) across the state. The Wisconsin DMV reports that by September 2024, 11,882 electric passenger vehicles in addition to electric cycles and autocycles were registered in the state. An additional 15,167 electric trucks were registered totaling 27,049 total registered electric vehicles.

Hybrid Vehicles

Currently, available hybrid vehicles run on both electricity and gasoline. Two kinds of hybrid vehicles exist: plug-in hybrids and hybrid vehicles. Plug in hybrids (PHEV) first run on battery power, and gasoline second. Hybrid vehicles run first on gasoline and then on electricity second. Both offer some benefits of fully electric vehicles including reduced tailpipe emissions and energy efficiency.

Medium- and Heavy-duty Electric Vehicles

In addition to EV passenger vehicles (light-duty vehicles), market demand for medium- and heavy-duty EVs is growing. Communities are turning to electric as an option for their bus fleets, replacing diesel counterparts. Truck fleets are also considering more electric options as viable alternative fuel sources for their fleets. The transition of medium- and heavy-duty fleets to electric vehicles would potentially offer numerous benefits including reduced tailpipe emissions. Medium- and heavy-duty fleet conversions can include additional challenges such as cost, availability, and long-distance battery range.

Wisconsin's existing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) network is primarily privately owned. To see where EVCS are currently located, refer to the WisDOT Alternative Fuels webpage or the U.S. Department of Energy EVCS locator.

EV Charging

There are three levels of EV chargers.

Level of Charger Charging Speed Location and Uses
Level 12-5 miles of range per hour of chargingMost commonly located in homes of hybrid vehicle owners. Due to the slow charge pace, many EV owners opt for a Level 2 Chargers
Level 210-20 miles of range per hour of chargingMost commonly located in homes, workplaces, and other public charging locations where a vehicle would be parked for a few hours.
Level 3/Direct Current (DC) Fast Charger/Super Charger60-80 miles of range in 20 minutes of chargingFastest form of charging currently available, offering the greatest traveling distance in the shortest amount of charging time, and as a result, is a popular choice to place in public locations.

Battery charge time is primarily influenced by type of battery and level of remaining charge.

Two connectors for EVs are now receiving much attention: the CCS, or Combined Charging System, and the North American Charging Standard (NACS). CCS is a connector that can supply between 25 kW and 350 kW of power and charge an EV in under one hour. The NACS connector is an alternative to the CCS. It is smaller and lighter than the CCS, delivering up to 250 kW of power, and can recharge an EV battery in under an hour. Most automakers have announced the integration of the NACS charge port in their future EV production. Due to this changing dynamic in the electric vehicle industry, WisDOT gave extra consideration to NACS connectors when evaluating proposals submitted as part of the first round Request for Proposals (RFP) under the WEVI Program. As a result, 46 of the 53 first round-awarded locations under the WEVI program will include NACS connectors alongside the required minimum CCS connectors.

Currently, locations and placement of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) are determined by private businesses and landowners. Local governments are adding charging infrastructure to promote economic development and tourism within their communities.

For EV charging stations installed through the WEVI Plan, federal National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program funds are granted to private entities to install and operate EV fast charger systems along designated corridors. Chapter 4 of the WEVI Plan details Wisconsin's approach to preferred EVSE placement along designated AFCs. This placement is specific to the WEVI Plan and does not impact privately funded EVSE.

As the build-out of designated AFCs are certified as complete by the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, other Wisconsin transportation corridors may be included for WEVI Plan funds.

National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program

In November 2021, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law was signed, designating $7.5 billion to building out a national network of electric vehicle charging stations. The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program lays the groundwork for formula funding designation and use.

NEVI is specifically intended to build out the electric vehicle charging system along federally designated Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs). Currently, in Wisconsin these include five Interstates: I-90, I-94, I-43, I-41, and I-535; seven U.S. highways: US 53, US 151, parts of US 51, US 2 and US 141, and all of US 8 and US 41; one state highway: WIS 29.

The NEVI program requires funds to be invested within one travel mile of designated AFCs, with charging stations no more than 50 miles apart. Once the state's AFCs are fully built out, as determined by the secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Wisconsin will have additional flexibility in determining the type and location of additional EV charging infrastructure installed, operated and maintained under the NEVI program.

Map of Wisconsin showing Alternative Fuel Corridors

Wisconsin Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (WEVI) Program

The Wisconsin Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (WEVI) Program is a competitive grant program that distributes NEVI Formula Program funds to eligible entities for the installation, ownership, operation, and maintenance of NEVI-compliant EV charging stations throughout the state. This program involves up to 80% federal funding and at least 20% non-federal matching on each project. The non-federal funds are expected to come from grant applicants.

Wisconsin is required to submit an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) annually. The plan outlines how the state will utilize funds distributed under the NEVI program. Approval from FHWA is necessary before the state can obligate NEVI program funds. The 2022 WEVI Plan and 2023 Plan updates were approved by FHWA. The 2022 Plan and 2023 Plan update can be accessed below and the 2023 Plan update is shown at the top of the page.

On January 2, 2024 WisDOT released its WEVI Round 1 Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit applications for public fast-charging sites along the state's AFCs. The deadline to submit proposals for consideration under the Round 1 RFP was April 1, 2024.

As part of the RFP, WisDOT identified a maximum of 65 EV charging sites along EV AFCs needed to fully build out the interstates and AFCs to meet federal NEVI Program requirements.

On May 23, 2024 WisDOT announced conditional grand awards for 53 projects. The awards totaled approximately $23.3 million in NEVI funding. Wisconsin is eligible to receive approximately $78 million in NEVI formula funds over five years beginning in federal fiscal year 2023.

Wisconsin's Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

WEVI logo

The department's goal is to provide leadership in adapting the state's transportation infrastructure to provide seamless short- and long-distance EV travel in Wisconsin. The department will work to develop preferred statutory and regulatory framework for transportation electrification. Efforts will focus on continued stakeholder collaboration, equity of integration across the state including urban, rural, suburban areas, and historically underserved communities as well as adapting the state's transportation infrastructure to advance electrified transportation.

Key to meeting these goals is:

  • Education, outreach, and collaboration: Collaborating with and listening to internal and external stakeholders including government, industry, and the traveling public.
  • Stewardship: Focus on strategic investments to maximize available funding and meet state needs.
  • Data-Driven Approach: Applying a data-driven approach to electrification deployment statewide.

The following timeline summarizes the WEVI Plan process.

wevi timeline

On October 14, 2024 WisDOT released its WEVI Round 1.5 Request for Proposals (RFP) document and the Round 1.5 Submission Packet. These documents contain all of the necessary information of interested applicants to apply to Round 1.5 of the WEVI Program. The documents can be accessed below.

On February 6, 2025, the U.S. Department of Transportation issued a notice to all state DOTs that NEVI Formula Program Guidance (most recently updated on June 11, 2024) and any previously approved state electric vehicle infrastructure plans (Wisconsin’s most recent plan approved on November 15, 2024) are rescinded. Per this notice from U.S. DOT, no new obligations may occur under the NEVI Formula Program until updated final NEVI Formula Program Guidance is issued and new State plans are submitted and approved.

This notice of funding rescission is currently the subject of a multi-state court case. A Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to continue funding is in effect.

Due to uncertainty regarding future program details, this RFP is currently on hold. Any proposals submitted to date will be held until updated program guidance is available. Once final guidance is available, an updated due date for proposals will be published. Any previously submitted proposals will be given an opportunity to update should the program guidance change.


This RFP is final. WisDOT reserves the right to modify the RFP document and awarding process. To fully utilize the fillable features of this submission packet, please download the submission package and open in Adobe Acrobat.

Round 1.5 of the WEVI Program focuses on building out the rest of the gaps in Wisconsin's Alternative Fuel Corridor system in order to achieve fully-built out status. The Evaluation Zones and Priority Locations Interactive Map provides information for potential applicants on the 13 coverage gaps that WisDOT is looking to fill in Round 1.5.

If the WEVI program does not meet your needs or interests, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has designated $2.5 billion in funding outside of the NEVI Program for EV charging stations. These opportunities include the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program and the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit.

Questions and Answers (Q&A) Document

WisDOT offered two comment periods for perspective applicants to receive clarity on elements of Round 1.5 of the WEVI Program. The first round of comments closed on November 14, 2024. The second round of comments closed on January 6, 2025. Responses to the comment periods have been compiled into a Q&A document that will be updated following each comment period. This Questions & Answers (Q&A) document has been updated following the second comment period and the informational webinar.

Informational Public Webinar

WisDOT hosted a webinar regarding Round 1.5 of the WEVI Program and RFP on Thursday, November 7th, 2024, at 1:00 pm Central Time. During the webinar, WisDOT reviewed the Round 1.5 RFP, provide instructions to proposers regarding the RFP application process and answered program and technical questions.

A recording of the webinar can be accessed here. Slides from the webinar can be found below.

Any questions asked in the webinar regarding the WEVI Round 1.5 Request for Proposals can be found in the Q&A Document.

Access the Informational Public Webinar
Round 1.5 Information Webinar Slides

Federal Requirements

The WEVI Program is subject to specific federal requirements. Proposers are required to complete a checklist affirming that the projects and site will comply with the requirements outlined in 23 CFR 680 and applicable laws and terms and conditions outlined on pages 11-13 and Appendix B of the WEVI RFP. These requirements are listed below or in Section 5.4 of the WEVI 2024 Plan Update.

Federal Law Compliance:

Applicants must also be compliant with applicable Wisconsin Statues and Administrative Transportation codes.

For additional information, visit the tab below for links to WisDOT, state and federal resources.

The WEVI Round 1 Request for Proposals (RFP) was released on January 2, 2024. Click here to see the final RFP document.
On January 12, 2024, WisDOT issued its Round 1 proposal packet for applicants interested in applying to the first round of the WEVI Program. This packet contains the necessary materials and instructions for submitting a complete Round 1 WEVI application and can be accessed here. The proposal packet was updated on February 29, 2024, with minor changes listed on page 1A of the document. The deadline to submit completed applications was April 1, 2024. Applications submitted after this deadline were not considered.

WisDOT created an interactive map for the public to identify and comment on eligible areas for deployment of EV charging equipment. This easy-to-use map gave the opportunity to comment on specific sites, provide general feedback and include contact details if a WisDOT response is desired.

Questions and Answers (Q&A) Document

The first round of comments closed on January 29, 2024. The second round of comments closed on March 7, 2024. Responses to the Round 1 comments and questions have been compiled in a Questions and Answers (Q&A) document which can be accessed here.

Informational Public Webinar

WisDOT hosted a webinar regarding the WEVI Program and RFP on Wednesday, February 7th, 2024. During the webinar, WisDOT reviewed the Round 1 RFP, provided instructions to proposers regarding the RFP application process, and answered program and technical questions.

A recording of the webinar can be found here. Presentation slides from the webinar can be accessed in PDF from here.

Any questions asked in the webinar regarding the WEVI Round 1 Request for Proposals can be found in the Q&A Document.

Round 1 Results

Fifty-three locations have been awarded over $23.3 million in federal funds through Round 1 of the Wisconsin Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (WEVI) Program. These sites are dispersed across the state, assisting WisDOT in building out its EV Alternative Fuel Corridor (AFC) system. A map of the awards and the press release can be accessed below.

WEVI Round 1 awarded locations

WEVI Round 1 Award Frequently Asked Questions

WEVI Round 1 Awarded Locations

Of the 53 site locations, seven are in the Southeast Region, 11 in the North Central, Northeast, and Southwest Regions, and 13 in the Northwest Region. Round 1 of the WEVI Program prioritized an equitable distribution throughout the state. A total of 15 locations selected through Round 1 are located in federally recognized disadvantaged communities, with two of these locations being awarded to Tribal applicants. Wisconsin is the first and only state, as of May 22, 2024, to award NEVI funds to a Tribal organization.

The 53 selected sites incorporate many different features to ensure a satisfactory charging experience. While the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program requires a minimum of four CCS connectors at each station, 46 of the selected sites include NACS connectors in addition to its CCS connectors. The NEVI Program requirements also outline a 150 kW minimum per port, with each station hosting at least four ports. Over 70% of awarded locations have port minimums greater than the 150 kW requirement. Additionally, 89% of the Round 1 WEVI sites indicate that future expansion of the charging station is possible.

Some additional amenities at these sites include pull-through parking at 39 locations and an overhead canopy at 19 separate locations. Forty-two of the fifty-three WEVI locations have nearby businesses open at least 18 hours a day, while forty of these sites have adjacent businesses open 24/7.

WEVI charging stations use many different charging station models, including Aliptronic America, ChargePoint, Gilbarco, Jule, Kempower, Red E Charge, SK Signet, Tellus Power Green, and Tesla.

If you have any questions regarding the awarded locations selected in this round of funding, please see the WEVI Round 1 Awarded Locations Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.

23 CFR 680.116 Data

WisDOT must ensure that specific data fields are made available at no cost to third-party software developers, as described in 23 CFR 680.116(c).

Access this information here.

WisDOT has created the WEVI Charging Station Dashboard to display the sites awarded through the WEVI Program, which are Level 3 Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) stations. It features interactive elements that provide metrics and information for each location.

The data presented in this tool is based on Round 1of the WEVI Program. Please note that this dashboard does not reflect the real time operational status of each station. For a comprehensive list of charging stations in Wisconsin and their operational status, please refer to the Alternative Fuels Data Center Station Locator Tool.

WisDOT will periodically update this tool to show the status of each WEVI station. As future projects are awarded under the WEVI Program, this tool will be updated to show those locations.

WisDOT collaborates on transportation electrification with key stakeholders such as utilities, metropolitan planning organizations, regional planning commissions, labor and workforce, freight and logistics companies, and many others, including ongoing opportunities for public input. The department has established the following five objectives for public engagement:

  1. Identify and involve key stakeholder groups in the plan’s development
  2. Engage the public on preferred electric vehicle charging station locations, charging preferences, costs and future use of EVs
  3. Engage stakeholders to ensure EV charging infrastructure achieves equitable and fair distribution
  4. Ensure public participation opportunities are performed to facilitate an inclusive audience and accessibility
  5. Establish continuous public participation opportunities throughout the five-year EVSE infrastructure deployments

Below is a list of stakeholder outreach activities and key events regarding the WEVI Plan for 2023 and 2024:

2024 Activities/Events

  • Released WEVI Round RFP and Submission Package.
  • Awarded over $23.3 million in federal funds to 53 locations and became the first state as of May 22, 2024 to award funds to a Tribal organization.
  • Conducted architectural, construction and environmental reviews necessary to begin building EV charging stations under the WEVI Program.
  • Began construction of EV charging stations.
  • Revised and updated WEVI Plan and submitted to FHWA for approval.
  • Conducted stakeholder webinar to address questions regarding the WEVI Program Round 1 RFP.
  • Published a Questions & Answers document addressing stakeholder inquiries about the WEVI Program and the WEVI Round 1 RFP and Submission Package.
  • Conducted stakeholder outreach, one-on-one meetings, group presentations, and responded to e-mailed questions.
  • Released WEVI Program Round 1.5 RFP.

2023 Activities/Events:

  • Ongoing stakeholder communication and public input participating in over ten public presentations and over 50 one-on-one stakeholder meetings
  • As detailed in the WEVI 2023 plan update, conducted a gap analysis to determine which stakeholder industries and categories were not widely engaged during the development of the WEVI 2022 plan. This gap analysis helped guide engagement activities for the rest of the year.
  • Development of program implementation options and WEVI application materials and procedures in accordance with NEVI Program rules issued by the Federal Highway Administration on February 15.
  • Program monitored for reporting purposes and updating of WEVI Plan.

If you have any questions or comments, please submit them through one of the following options.

If you would like to email your comments, please direct them to:

If you would like to mail your comments, please direct them to:
Transportation Electrification
WisDOT Division of Budget and Strategic Initiatives
P.O. Box 7910
Madison, Wi 53707-7910

WisDOT Resources

  • The Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) publishes annual reports detailing vehicle registrations, including a report (#25) by fuel type and county.
  • Alternative fuel corridors
  • ArcGIS interactive map that was utilized by WisDOT to solicit feedback from stakeholders and the general public regarding priority locations identified for the First Round RFP.

State of Wisconsin Resources

Federal Government Resources


Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Division of Budget and Strategic Initiatives