Insurance requirements for motor carriers

​​​Intrastate and interstate for-hire motor carriers of property and passengers, any carrier of passengers by motor bus, and persons engaged in leasing motor vehicles without drivers must file evidence of proper insurance coverage as set forth in Sec. 194.41, 344.51, and 344.52, Stats. and Wis. Admin. Code Trans 176​.

Motor carriers that procure and utilize oversize/overweight permits must maintain proper insurance coverage in full force in effect while the vehicle and load designated in the permit is operating on the public highway as set forth in sec. 348.25(5)(6), Stats. and Wis. Admin. Code Trans 250 through 275.

An insurance company can file motor carrier insurance electronically. The Carrier and Trucking System (CaTS) provides a faster and more efficient way to do business with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). There is no cost to sign up or for using this service.

To use CaTS, you must:

  • ​represent or be employed by an insurance underwriter.
  • register to receive a Wisconsin user ID​ and password. The user ID and password allow you to conduct secure business with the State of Wisconsin over the Internet.
  • complete ​access agreement MV2424, Wisconsin Motor Carrier Registration Access Agreement, and submit to​ or fax to (608) 266-6689.

To learn more about CaTS online insurance filing and how to obtain access​ or for more information about insurance requirements for motor carriers contact:

  • Email Motor Carrier Insurance (​​​)
  • Call: (608) 266-9900
  • Write to the address below:
  • Wisconsin Department of Transportation
    Motor Carrier Services
    P.O. Box 7955
    Madison, WI 53707-7955

Related links:

Motor carriers and trucking

Motor carrier insurance

Wisconsin Administrative Code Trans 176

Wisconsin Statute Chapter 194

Wisconsin Statute Chapter 344

Wisconsin Statute Chapter 348

Motor carrier registration

International registration plan (IRP) or International fuel tax agreement (IFTA)

Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Motor Carrier Services
P.O. Box 7979
Madison WI 53707-7979

Phone (608) 266-9900