To tame winter storms, Wisconsin's county highway departments plow and provide ice control on all state and US-numbered highways, and the Interstate system. This arrangement is unique to Wisconsin and for nearly a century has provided efficient and cost effective winter service for all Wisconsinites.
Winter maintenance providers are always striving to improve. Our guide,
Safe Highways - Less Salt, goes into more detail.
The following explanations and links are intended to provide you with insight into Wisconsin's snowplowing guidelines
New in 2022, some county and municipal winter maintenance vehicles will be equipped with flashing green safety lights. You can learn more in the
frequently asked questions section.
Snowplowing and service level interactive map
- The
18 and 24-hour service page contains a map that shows which highways are maintained for 18 or 24 hours a day during a winter storm event.
- The
passable roadways page details the level of effort, during a winter storm event, that different categories of highways receive.
- The
road salt storage (TRANS 277) page contains information and forms for persons who store salt that is intended to be used on highways. "Highways” means all ways and thoroughfares and bridges on the same and any streets, alleys, driveways, parking areas, state trunk highways, county trunk highways, town roads, national parkways, expressways, interstate highways, freeways and roadways commonly used for vehicular traffic, whether public or private.
- The
weight restrictions programs page includes information on the frozen roads declaration and spring thaw weight restrictions.
- The
frequently asked questions page give answers to many questions about Wisconsin's snowplowing and salt usage.
- The
winter facts page includes interesting facts about snowplows, salt usage, and other winter maintenance issues.
- See a problem on the state maintained highways this winter?
Please contact us.
2022-23 Annual Winter Maintenance Report
2022-23 Annual Winter Maintenance Report - Executive Summary
2022 Salt Storage Needs Report
Regarding storm reports, winter maintenance manual, best practices, snowplow activity, webpage feedback:
Cody Churchill, P.E.
WisDOT Winter Maintenance Engineer
(608) 266-0464
Emil Juni
WisDOT Winter Maintenance Engineer
(608) 266-3833
Regarding Roadway Weather Information System (RWIS) and forecasts:
Mike Adams
Wisconsin DOT RWIS Program Manager
(608) 266-5004