IRP application schedule B amendment

Parties who have an established WI IRP account use the WI IRP Schedule B Amendment - form.

MV2912. Use the form for a name change (i.e., individual to a corporation status) within your IRP account (call (608) 266-9900 for information).

Complete the form and fax it to (608) 267-6886. The application will be processed and billed the following work day, and you will receive by fax a temporary IRP vehicle registration for immediate operation.

If you are not able to fax the application, you may mail the form to:

Wisconsin Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 7955
Madison, WI 53707-7955

Related links:


Motor carrier registration

International registration plan (IRP) or International fuel tax agreement (IFTA)

Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Motor Carrier Services
P.O. Box 7979
Madison WI 53707-7979

Phone (608) 266-9900