Medical examination report review

​Wha​t happens after you provide a Medical Examination Report to the DMV?

The DMV will review the information to determine your eligibility for licensing.

  • Many drivers who file a Medical Examination Report MV3644 or Certificate of Vision Examination by Competent Authority MV3030V​ are found to meet medical standards for licensing. The exam must be current (within the past 90 days, unless otherwise stated) and complete. If the report satisfies our concerns, this may be all that is required.​
  • Sometimes drivers may be asked for periodic follow-up reports if there is a progressive condition that may change their​​ ability to operate over time.
  • ​DMV may also require drivers to complete an examination of their driving ability by requiring sign, knowledge and skills ​tests. These tests may result in restrictions being added to the license such as "20 mile radius of home" or "no freeway or interstate highway."
  • Drivers who no longer meet medical standards for licensing or who are unable to pass the driving tests will have their driving privilege canceled. Drivers may file updated medical reports at any time for reconsideration.

Please note: Your diagnosis alone is not as important as how the condition affects you ability to function as a driver.

Wha​t can you do if your license is canceled?​

​​Medical Review & Fitness Unit
P.O. Box 7918
Madison WI 53707-7918

Email Wisconsin DMV email service​​
Phone (608) 266-2327
Fax (608) 267-0518