Parent-teen safe driving contract

​​Teen drivers have the highest crash risk of any age group. Crash risk is higher in the first year of driving than at any other time in a person’s driving career.​

Why have a written parent-teen safe driving contract? A contract:​​

  • Acknowledges the risks involved in driving and brings safety to the forefront.
  • Encourages discussion of safe driving issues and accountability.
  • Establishes in writing clear expectations and consequences for breaking the rules.
  • Helps enforce Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) restrictions. GDL helps teens gain needed driving experience under lower-risk conditions. And it’s the law.

This sample contract can be a starting point to help you and your teen driver reach an agreement that best fits your family and expectations. Use it as a guide.

We recommend that you and your teen discuss and decide each issue together. By entering into a written contract, you are bound by your agreement to each other to drive safely.

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