Vehicle color and abbreviations

​The color of autos and light trucks are printed on Wisconsin titles, Confirmations of Ownership, and Certificates of Vehicle Registration, in accordance with Wisconsin statutes 341.08(2)(c).  A major and a minor color may be recorded. The list of vehicle colors used by the department matches colors/abbreviations used nationally.

Abbreviation = Color​ ​ ​​ ​Abbreviation = Color
​AME​Amethyst​LGR​Green light
​BLK​Black​MAR​Maroon or burgundy
​DBL​Blue dark​MUL​Multicolor
​LBL​Blue light​ONG​Orange
​COM​Chrome or stainless steel​SIL​Silver or aluminum
​CRM​Cream or ivory​TEA​Teal
​DGR​Green dark​YEL​Yellow