Airport Operations and Land Use Seminar

This seminar provides airport managers with the information and tools they need to take on the day’s most relevant and timely challenges. In addition, the seminar provides a platform for interacting with FAA officials, BOA staff, airport consultants, and other airport managers. There’s no better place to gain valuable information about managing Wisconsin airports. We invite a​ll airport managers, airport owners, airport committee members, city administrators, and anyone else who has a hand in managing an airport to attend.​

2024 Airport Operations and Land Use Seminar​​

​Dates: May 1-2, 2024​


​​Recorded Webinars

YouTube The Fundamentals of Airport Compliance (34:29 runtime)

Hal Davis – Airport Compliance Program Manager, BOA
A basic understanding of airport compliance is essential for anyone with a hand in managing or governing an airport. In this webinar, you’ll learn what state and federal rules must be followed if your airport accepts a grant for an airport improvement project and how to avoid common violations. Also, find out about the complaint process and what happens if an airport is found in noncompliance.​   

YouTube The Importance of the Airport Planning Process (1:49:45 runtime)

Mark Graczykowski – Airport Program Engineer, BOA
Sandy Lyman – Community Planner, FAA Chicago Airports District Office
Today, proper airport planning is a prerequisite for any airport development project. In this webinar, find out what purpose airport planning serves, learn the difference between master plans, narrative reports, and airport layout plans and how good planning process can benefit other facets of airport improvement projects. 

For seminar information contact:

Hal Davis,, (608) 267-2142