Partnership Agreement

Partnership Agreement Signing
WisDOT, FHWA, BIA and tribal representatives at the 2019 Partnership Agreement signing

Executive Order 39

The Partnership Agreement was enacted in compliance with
Executive Order 39, which was issued in 2004 and affirms the government-to-government relationship between Wisconsin's tribes and the state of Wisconsin. As such, state cabinet agencies are directed to work cooperatively with tribes on any policies, programs or issues that have the potential to impact tribal communities.​

Partnership Agreement

The Partnership Agreement establishes the guiding principles and the processes by which WisDOT, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) work in collaboration with the state's 11 federally recognized tribes.

The document outlines a set of goals and principles for fostering government-to-government relations with tribes, improving programs that benefit tribes, ensuring tribal input in transportation matters, delivering effective tribal programs throughout the state and assisting with tribal infrastructure projects.

It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and respecting tribal culture, values, expertise, knowledge, experience, perspectives and needs to achieve success in transportation-related activities.

Adherence to consultation frameworks is crucial for long-term success while promoting proactive cooperation in good faith.

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