Governor Tony Evers directed Transportation Secretary-designee Craig Thompson to assemble a task force of stakeholders to propose bipartisan policy solutions to be included in the upcoming 2019-21 budget. The Transportation Stakeholder Task Force consists of key partners from all regions of the state, all sectors of the economy, and users of all different modes of transportation.
Issues previously identified by stakeholders, that continue to need resolution include:
- How can the state ensure that adequate funds to preserve and maintain the current transportation system are available, while also making improvements that support the mobility needs of the state’s population and economic growth?
- How can the state share transportation revenues equitably with local governments?
- While the motor fuel excise tax continues to be the primary funding source for transportation, it is not growing commensurate with current system needs. Do revenue sources need to be expanded?
- How should the state’s delivery of transportation services be modified to address changing needs?
- Does the state’s current multimodal balance support the needs of businesses and citizens?
Meeting materials
Meeting summary
January 31, 2019
February 4, 2019
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