Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) technologies are expected to have a wide-ranging impact on transportation in Wisconsin. As such, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation has formed the Wisconsin Automated Vehicle External (WAVE) Advisory Committee to gather stakeholder input and advice on CAV-related planning priorities, implementation policies, and impacts on the state’s transportation system.
members (updated May 2024) come from the private sector, non-profit groups, various associations, academia and other government agencies. Each member commits to a two-year term.
Duties and Powers
The Committee’s role is strictly advisory. It is assigned no governmental powers. More detailed information on the structure and operation of the Committee can be found in the
WAVE Charter (updated September 2020).
WAVE Meetings
November 19, 2024 meeting
Meeting Minutes
May 7, 2024 meeting
Meeting Minutes
November 2, 2023 meeting
Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2023 meeting
Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2022 meeting
Meeting Minutes
March 29, 2022, meeting
Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2021, meeting
Meeting Minutes
March 17 and 18, 2021, meeting
Meeting Minutes
September 8 and 9, 2020, meeting
Meeting Minutes
WisDOT Connected and Automated Vehicle Program
WisDOT's CAV program, CAV Strategic Plan, and CAV technical information can be found
Committee on Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Testing and Deployment
In 2017-2018, WisDOT convened a special committee to recommend a coordinated effort to best advance testing and operation of autonomous and connected vehicles in Wisconsin. The committee was chaired by the WisDOT Secretary and included representatives from the State Legislature, public agencies, law enforcement, auto manufacturers, trucking, motorcycles and other sectors. The final report and other details can be found on the
committee's page.
Brad Basten
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Division of Budget and Strategic Initiatives
(608) 266-0786