Bus, truck, truck tractor and trailer
The registration fee for a bus, truck, truck tractor or trailer may be paid on a quarterly basis when the registered gross weight of such unit is over 8,000 pounds. (Farm trucks and other vehicles registered for restricted use do not qualify for quarterly registration.) Truck tractor fees are based on the gross weight of the entire unit, which consists of the tractor, semi-trailer and load.
Quarters for buses, trailers, trucks and tractor/semi-trailer are:
January February March | April May June | July August September | October November December |
Refer to the fee charts for pro-rated fees:
Motor home
The registration fee for motor homes also may be paid on a quarterly basis when the registered gross weight of such unit is over 8,000 pounds. Motor home fees are based on the gross weight of the unit including property and passengers.
Annual motor home registrations expire March 31.
Quarters for motor homes are:
April May June | July August September | October November December | January February March |
Motor home fee chart
How to apply
Complete Wisconsin Title and License Plate application form
MV1. Select the registration type in section G.
A quarterly fee is 25% of the annual fee. Vehicles may be registered for as many quarters less than a full year as the applicant wishes. The fee due is the quarterly registration fee times the number of quarters desired plus $5 per vehicle per application submitted.
If the vehicle is currently registered to you, but the registration has expired and the vehicle was out of operation at least three months, complete section C of the MV1 stating the time period that the vehicle has not been operated.
Mail the application and appropriate fees to the address on the front of the MV1 application. If you wish to do this in person, please check the
DMV finder to find out which DMV customer service centers can process these types of transactions.
Telephone authorization
Telephone authorization (TA) is a call-in procedure only for intra-state operation of motor carriers that allows them to operate in Wisconsin without displaying evidence of registration. The program allows for immediate operation of an unregistered or newly acquired vehicle. Vehicles registered quarterly or
consecutive monthly may obtain telephone authorization for a $7.50 fee by calling (608) 267-5103.