The printed version is published with information that was current as of May 2023. Updates are made to the online PDF version and ForeFlight Content Pack as they are submitted.
Please submit publication updates to:
Obtaining the most current information is the pilot's responsibility, be sure to check all available resources including
NOTAMs and
FAA Chart Supplement.
Questions or comments? Contact Levi Eastlick:
Chief Pilot
WisDOT Bureau of Aeronautics
The Airport Directory PDF files can be viewed on your computer, iPad or other mobile device. Click on the appropriate link and save the PDF or click "Open in iBooks" on your iPad.
WisDOT has created a custom content pack to integrate the Wisconsin Airport Directory into the ForeFlight mobile app. You can now access individual airport information pages directly through ForeFlight.
To save the content pack in ForeFlight, download the file from the link below to your iOS device. Once downloaded, long press the zip file and select Share, then select ForeFlight. For additional assistance with ForeFlight content packs please see the
ForeFlight support website.
2023 WisDOT Airport Directory ForeFlight Content Pack (version 2.0) (File is very large and may take several minutes to download)
Please note, the link above will only function on iOS devices.
Disclaimer: This content pack is to be used as an aid to situational awareness only and is not intended to replace official informational sources and good piloting skills. Utilize all available resources including NOTAMs and FAA Chart Supplement.
Order a paper copy
To order a physical copy of the Wisconsin Airport Directory and Pilot’s Guide, follow the instructions on the order form cost is $3. Airport directories are mailed to most Wisconsin registered aircraft owners.
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If you are a Wisconsin aircraft owner who does not want to receive the printed version of the Wisconsin Airport Directory and Pilot’s Guide, please
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