Standard special provisions

The following standard special provisions are only to be used if approved by the Airport Engineering Chief, Matthew Malicki, as of March 19, 2021.

Revision dateSTSP no.Description
February 11, 2014 30-006Delay construction start until the following construction season, due to potential late receipt of federal funding.
July 200120-010Preparing the Proposal Schedule of Prices
January 24, 2012 P-151-005Clearing and grubbing - emerald ash borer quarantine zone restrictions affect the following counties: Brown, Crawford, Fond du Lac, Kenosha, La Crosse, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Vernon, Washington, and Waukesha.
DiscontinuedP401-005A modified P-401 based on FAA's EB 59 is under development and is being demonstrated on some 2002 airport projects in Wisconsin. Contact the Bureau of Aeronautics for a copy of this draft spec.
March 1996P401-010Asphalt stabilized open graded base course.
October 2002P401-015Mix bituminous pavements (SUPERPAVE™)
April 1996P501-005Small concrete pavement project lot size based upon total quantity and the expected production rate.
May 199640-005Partnering on projects
September 12, 201250-006Construction superintendent liquidated damages clause
November 1996P154-005Breaker run
March 1997P208-005Pulverize and relay asphaltic pavement and base course
September 200430-005This guide specification may be used for "phased" multi-year projects where the succeeding year's grant will not have been issued at the time of the award of contract.
December 200490-005Fuel Cost adjustment clause
Fuel cost adjustment table


The Bureau of Aeronautics maintains a library of special provisions which are commonly used in contracts. Thus they are called Standardized Special Provisions (STSPs).

Consultants who are preparing P.S. and E.'s for BOA sponsored projects shall obtain copies of the current STSPs from the Internet.

The STSP's cover a wide range of subjects. Those who prepare special provisions should use STSPs as much as possible because they are already in the proper format and adequately address their subjects.
The STSP numbering system has been coordinated with the numbering system in the Standard Specifications for Airport Construction. A prefix letter followed by three digits of the STSP number refer to the section of the standard specifications where similar information or bid items are located. The last three digits are subject numbers used to identify each STSP. The subjects are numbered 005, 010, 015, 020, etc., to allow for future STSP insertions at the most appropriate location within a section. (NOTE: Pay Item numbers for all Special Provisions shall have the letter prefix "X" (Aeronautics derived) or "90XXX" (Highway derived) to differentiate them from the standard pay items.)​

P401-0​05​Plant Mix Bituminous Pavements
​P401​​Specification P-401 of the Standard Specifications of Airport Construction and refers to bituminous pavements.
005​Subject number

Some of the STSPs have blanks for which the required information shall be inserted by the preparer of the special provisions. There are also notes to specifiers within the STSPs which are to be utilized when filling in the blanks. These notes to specifiers are to be deleted on final copies.

Any necessary revisions should be made directly to the standardized special provision used in the P.S. and E.

Consultants who feel that permanent revisions should be made to an STSP should contact Matthew Malicki, by email or phone (608) 267-5273 with suggestions.

Revisions to the STSPs will be distributed on the WisDOT Internet - not hard copy.