Construction bid letting - General process overview

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation's (WisDOT) process for bidding on highway construction projects is outlined in the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction.

  • All bidders of prospective highway construction projects are "prequalified" by the department to ensure that the bidder has "competency and responsibility to perform the work."
  • Bid letting advertisements are posted approximately five weeks prior to the bid letting.
  • Plan holder and eligible bidder listings are posted every Friday. The files are also posted on Monday, Wednesday and Monday the week before the letting.
  • Bidders submit a sealed bid for a prospective highway construction project to the department.
  • All highway construction projects have a bid opening on the second Tuesday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Upon opening and reading the prospective bids, the department posts apparent bids beginning approximately 12:00 p.m. the day after the letting has ended.
  • WisDOT proceeds through a process of awarding and executing the highway construction contract. The award process involves comparison and analysis of the bids in order to look for irregularities and to ensure the eligibility of the bidder.
  • Upon completion of this process the contract is awarded to the "lowest responsible bidder."
  • The highway construction contract is then executed by the Governor upon receipt of the contract, the contract bond and all other department-required forms.
  • After each highway bid letting, WisDOT makes awards and publishes the all bids received report for each awarded contract.
  • Reports are available online for the current and previous year.

Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Highway Construction Bid Lettings occur on the second Tuesday of each month.

Bid lettings information by letting date:

Razing and removals information by date:

View future lettings schedule.

For questions regarding the content of this page, contact:

Department of Transportation
Bureau of Project Development
Proposal Management Section
4822 Madison Yards Way
4th Floor South, Room S437
Madison, WI 53705
Phone: (608) 266-1631