Great River Road (Mississippi River Trail) Bicycle Map

Photo of Rustic Road 68 taken by Marilyn J. Mathison
Photo Credit: Wisconsin Bike Fed

The Great River Road and Mississippi River Trail Bicycle Map depicts conditions for bicycling on the Great River Road Bikeway, Mississippi River Trail and nearby roadways. Touring cyclists can ride the entire Wisconsin segment or choose smaller segments that are better suited to their experience level. Except for when riding on the Great River State Trail, cyclists will be on highways with light to heavy traffic volumes. Most higher volume highways have three or five foot paved shoulders.

The route has been mapped for 250 miles in Wisconsin and is located primarily on the Great River Road (WIS 35) between Prescott and Prairie du Chien. In Grant County (the southernmost county on the Wisconsin route) the route is on a series of state, county and town roads and not always on the Great River Road itself.

The map was done in coordination with the Wisconsin Mississippi River Parkway Commission and the 10-state Mississippi River Trail Inc.

The entire map or the individual panels are available to download. The bicycling conditions of the county and state highways were updated in 2020.