Where's my driver license/ID?

​If you applied for a Wisconsin driver license or identification (ID) card, please allow 7-10 days to receive your card from the date that it was printed.

​If it has been over 10 days and you have not received your card​:

  • ​Have you moved? Update your DMV record address online or learn more.
  • Is the post office holding your mail? Stop your hold and ensure your mailbox has your name inside or outside the mailbox.
  • If your card is undeliverable, the post office will return it to the DMV and kept on file with the DMV.

​Next steps

If it has been more than 10 days and you have not received your​​ driver license or ID, contact the Driver Eligibility Unit dre.dmv@dot.wi.gov.

  • If you are 18 and older and have applied for your first Wisconsin Driver License or ID, please attach a proof of Wisconsin residency to your email.
  • If you have moved since your card was issued or would like your card mailed to a different Wisconsin address, please provide the new Wisconsin address in your email.​
  • If you are currently out of state and want your card mailed to you out of state, please attach to your email: proof of Wisconsin residency​; a written statement requesting your card be mailed out of state; your signature; and the out of state address.

Verify print status

To use this online status checker, be ready to enter:

  • Your Wisconsin driver license number or Wisconsin identification card number, date of birth and zip code
  • Your Social Security number, date of birth and zip code

Check print status of your driver license or ID card​​

This online service may not be available on Sundays from 6 a.m.–9 a.m. due to regular system maintenance.

Envelope Email Wisconsin DMV email service