Materials Management Projects

Materials Management projects are an important research and technology transfer activity for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. These projects ensure that WisDOT is collecting reliable data, revising specifications, and updating methodologies on the materials used to build and maintain Wisconsin’s transportation system.

Completed Projects

Project IDProject informationProject dates
0092-23-52Evaluation and Transition to Bentley, Inc., OpenGround Geotechnical Database Management Software for Integration with Civil 3-D
Final Report
0092-20-49AASHTOWare Project Contract Management Software/AASHTOWare Project Materials
Final Report
0092-21-54Field Friction Testing
Final Report
0092-22-52Superpave Gyratory Compactor Rapid Angle Measurement (RAM) Kit
Final Report
0092-22-53Measuring the Tensile Strength Ratio of Asphalt Mixtures to Ensure Resistance to Moisture Damage
Final Report
0092-22-55Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Testing on Pavements
Final report