Policy Research Program

Picture of large bridge showing piers and yet to be used girders underneathThe WisDOT Policy Research Program promotes and funds research that addresses planning, operations, safety, finance, economic impacts, environmental issues, emerging technology and other policy aspects of all transportation modes and all agency operations, which include the Division of Motor Vehicles and the Division of State Patrol.

Research in progress

Project ID

Project information

Expected completion date


Wisconsin Non-Driver Transportation Behavior Study
Principal Investigator: Xiao Qin, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Request for Proposal



Engineering Countermeasures to Mitigate Reckless Driving Behavior
Principal Investigator: S. Ilgin Guler, Pennsylvania State University

Request for proposal


Countermeasures to Improve Pedestrian Visibility to Tall Vehicles
Principal Investigator: Xiao Qin, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Request for Proposal

Artificial Intelligence in Transportation
Principal Investigator: Sikai Chen, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Request for Proposal

Maintaining Knowedge and Investing in Talent for Next-Generation Transportation Engineering
Principal Investigator: Romila Singh, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Request for Proposal

Wildlife Crossing Hotspot Analysis
Principal Investigator: Marcel Huijser, Montana State University

Request for Proposal


Completed research

Project ID

Project information

Completion date

0092-23-11Connected and Automated Vehicles Attitudes and Perceptions

Final report Research Brief
0092-23-12Highway Safety Media Campaigns Awareness and Attitudes

This project was commissioned by WisDOT to assess the State's current safety campaign media communication by garnering feedback from the public, with the ultimate goal of creating an effective and strategic traffic safety communication plan.

Final report Research brief
0092-22-67Maximization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Participation

This study leads to the development of recommendations to maximize DBE participation and success rate, and set directions for developing and implementing a unique and robust DBE pilot training program to address and remove barriers that DBEs in Wisconsin face.

Final report Research brief
0092-22-71Data Governance, Phase 2

This project builds upon the Data Inventory/Catalog project (0092-21-65) with the objectives of exploring and developing recommendations for an implementation-ready WisDOT Data Governance Framework.

Final report Research brief
0092-22-69Workforce Development, Phase 2

This study has a WisDOT department-wide focus to understand and analyze gaps in skills needed for job performance and the current status of knowledge management practices across the agency.

Final report Research brief
0092-22-68Design-Build Pilot Program Evaluation

UW-Milwaukee's Institute for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation provided a third-party evaluation of WisDOT's design build pilot program.

Final report Research brief
Revised final report and research brief posted September 8, 2023
0092-21-63Evaluation of the Local Bridge Improvement Assistance Program

In 2019, WisDOT initiated a pilot program to streamline the delivery and oversight of low-risk local bridge projects. UW-Milwaukee's Institute for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation conducted an assessment of the pilot program.

Final report
0092-21-62Workforce Development Initiative

This study by UW-Milwaukee's Institute for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation focused on workforce planning for WisDOT's Division of Transportation System Development (DTSD)

Final report
0092-21-65Data Inventory/Catalog

This project by UW-Milwaukee's Institute for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation focused on datasets throughout WisDOT

Final report
0092-20-53Evaluation of Winter Maintenance with Salt Brine Applications in Wisconsin

Final report
0092-16-11Identifying Highly Correlated Variables Relating to the Potential Causes of Reportable Wisconsin Traffic Crashes

Final report Research brief
0092-15-11Motorcycle Licensing and Safety

Final report

Please visit the Wisconsin Digital Archives or contact staff at research@dot.wi.gov for research published before FFY 2014.

Policy research program contact
Shari Krueger (608) 261-6064