WHRP Steering Committee

The Wisconsin Highway Research Program Steering Committee provides policy direction for the program. Committee members represent a range of subject matter experts from WisDOT, industry and academia.

Committee members

Ethan Severson, Chair
WisDOT Division of Budget and Strategic Initiatives

Karl Buck
FHWA – Wisconsin

Dr. Yong Bai
​Marquette University

James Bender
WisDOT Innovation and Technology Section

Dave Brose
American Council of Engineering Companies

Joshua Dietsche
WisDOT Bureau of Structures

Brian Gaber
WisDOT Office of Asset Management

Matt Grove
Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association

Travis Giese
Wisconsin Earth Movers Association

Brandon Lamers
WisDOT Bureau of Project Development

Scott Lawry
WisDOT Statewide Bureaus

Jackie Spoor
Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association

Barry Paye
WisDOT Bureau of Technical Services

Bryan Lipke
WisDOT - Regional Representative

Deborah Schwerman
Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association