Bid lettings and Solicitations


  • As of the July 13, 2021 Letting, bidders will be able to submit DBE Commitments directly in Bid Express. This replaces the requirement to attach form DT1506 (Commitment to Subcontract to DBE) with bid*
  • Attachments A or Quotes for DBEs listed on the commitment are required as attachments to the bid
  • Form DT1202 (Documentation of Good Faith Effort) and supporting documentation is required if the DBE goal is not met, within 24-hours of bid closing. Submit via eSubmit.
  • Submit Attachments A not included at bid within 24 hours of bid closing via eSubmit.
  • Bin file reminder: If you do not see a DBE in the Bid Express .bin file but know the DBE has been newly certified – please submit a PDF DT1506 and Attachment A for that DBE if you are entering DBE credit electronically. If you are attaching a PDF DT1506 instead of electronic entry, add the DBE to the commitment. We will review and confirm DBE credit and combine into one DBE commitment.
  • Electronic Bidding Documentation
  • For more bid letting information, please visit Highway Construction Contract Information

*Bidders will have the ability to attach Form DT1506 with bid until further notice. For proposals with discretionary goals, submit DBE documentation using Form DT1506 & Attachment A via eSubmit within 24 hours of bid closing to assure DBE attainment is applied to the overall goal.

**Form DT1202 is no longer required as an attachment to the bid. If the DBE goal is not met, submit DT1202 as described above.

Make Your Bid Responsive

WisDOT Bid Letting Resource Guide

BidX closes at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday. All other bid letting documents submitted after 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday through Wednesday at 11:00 a.m., must be submitted through eSubmit. eSubmit instructions.

Document When needed to be responsive
DT1506 or E-1506Tuesday 11:00 a.m. (BidX)
Attachments A or DBE quote(s)
From all identified DBEs on the DT1506/E-1506
Tuesday 11:00 a.m. (BidX)
Beginning in February 2022 - Attachments A or quotes
From all identified DBEs on the DT1506/E-1506
Tuesday 12:00 noon (eSubmit)
Attachments A (for unsigned Attachments A and/or DBE quotes submitted on Tuesday)
Signed and dated by DBE
Wednesday 11:00 a.m. (eSubmit)
DT1202 and supplemental materials
If DBE goal is not met
Wednesday 11:00 a.m. (eSubmit)


DBE procedures:

WisDOT is implementing new procedures to document consultant commitments to utilize DBE firms on consultant engineering contracts. These changes are being made to improve tracking of DBE utilization on all contracts and to comply with federal regulations governing the DBE program published in 49 CFR 26.