eNotify vehicle registration renewal notice qualifications

License plate/registration renewal notices are emailed, which includes a link to renew your plate/registration online​.

Payment options:

  • MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover credit or debit card. Your credit or debit card will be charged a convenience fee​ for this service.
  • ACH (Automated Clearing House) payment from your checking or savings account. There is no convenience fee charged for an ACH payment.​

​The first owner or lessee listed on your certificate of vehicle registration must subscribe at least three months before your plates expire to ensure receipt of an email renewal notice for the vehicle instead of a paper notice.

eNotify is not available for vehicles owned or leased by a business. We offer the eMV Fleet program for businesses who wish to manage their license plate renewals online. See eMV Fleet for qualifications.


The following vehicles qualify for email license plate/registration renewals:

  • Automobiles
  • Buses (except school buses) registered at 54,000 lbs. gross weight or less
  • Farm trucks registered at 54,000 lbs. gross weight or less
  • Human service vehicles
  • Low-speed vehicles 
  • Motor homes registered at any gross weight
  • Motorcycles and mopeds
  • Recreational vehicle trailers
  • Special plates for autos, light trucks and motor homes (e.g., Packers, Endangered Resources, Military, etc.)
  • Tractors registered at 54,000 lbs. gross weight or less
  • Trailers registered at any gross weight 
  • Trucks registered at 54,000 lbs. gross weight or less 

Email license plate/registration renewals will not be sent for the following vehicles/conditions. 

  • Buses, tractors and trucks registered over 54,000 lbs. gross weight (except Special Z and Special X plates). You will continue to receive paper renewal notices.
  • Vehicles that have been out of operation more than three years, for annual registrations, or four years for biennial registrations
  • The co-owner, co-lessee or co-driver listed first on the vehicle registration is not subscribed to eNotify. You will continue to receive paper renewal notices. 

​Please check license plate renewal options​ to renew by mail or in person for plates that do not qualify for eNotify and online renewal.​

Subscribe, unsubscribe, view eligible vehicles or update your eNotify​​ preferences; Access eNotify​​​.

​Email enotify@dot.wi.gov​
Telephone: (608) 264-7169