Credit and debit card companies, and PayPal charge a fee to all retailers every time their card or service is used. DMV must add a convenience/service fee of up to 2.35% to cover the fees charged by these companies.
All DMV fees are set by statute and, as a state agency, WisDOT cannot use these fees to cover the costs of accepting these third-party payments.
The convenience/service fee is a percentage of the cost of the product or service. You will see the amounts of the product and the convenience/service fee displayed separately before you complete the transaction.
Payment without convenience/service fee
Some WisDOT online services accept payments through ACH (Automated Clearing House) which deducts WisDOT fees directly from your bank account, with no added convenience/service fee. If available for the product or service you need, follow the ACH instructions on the webpage to pay.