Bus and light truck license plates

Farm Truck | Light truck


Bus and light truck license plate

Issued for motor coaches, school buses and urban mass transportation vehicles.

Registration period1 year or quarterly
5 years for school bus and urban mass transportation vehicles
Plate expirationBased on registration period​ for motor coaches
December 2023 for five year school bus and urban mass transportation vehicles
FeeBased on vehicle gross weight for motor coaches (see fee chart​)
$5 for five year school bus and urban mass transportation vehicles
Number of plates​Two
​Plates remain withVehicle
Personalized available?No
Plate colorBlack on white graphic
Statutory references.71.38​, s.340.01(31), s.341.25(2), s.341.26(2)(d)
DMV inquiry​​BUS
DOJ "TIME" system inquiry​​BU


​Farm truck

Farm truck license plates  

Vehicle may not exceed 12,000 pounds gross weight. May not be used for any non-farm occupation or commuting to and from work. Learn more​​ More...​

Registration period 2 years
Plate expirationLast day of February in even years
Fee$45 biennial fee (see fee chart​ for prorated fees). 
Number of plates​Two
​Plates remain with Seller
Personalized available?Yes. $30 for biennial registration ($15 per year) in addition to regular registration fee
Plate colorBlack on white graphic
Statutory references.340.01(18), s.341.045, s.341.26(3)(a)​
DMV inquiry​​FRM
DOJ "TIME" system inquiryFM

Light truck

Light truck license plates
Issued to motor trucks at 8,000 pounds gross weight or less, private or for hire.

Issued to a farm truck that may also be used for transportation to and from a non-farm occupation (dual-purpose farm). May not exceed 12,000 pounds gross weight for farm occupation.

Issued to a motor truck used as a motor home with a slide-in camper unit (dual-purpose vehicle).

The letters on the weight stickers show the gross vehicle weight when used as a motor truck: A=4,500 pounds and under; B=6,000 and under; C=8,000 and under.
Registration period1 year
Plate expirationMay expire in any month
Fee4,500 pounds and under: $75 (expiration before 9/30/2019)
4,500 pounds and under: $100 (expiration 9/30/2019 and later)
6,000 and under: $84 (expiration before 9/30/2019)
6,000 and under: $100 (expiration 9/30/2019 and later)
8,000 and under: $106
Wheel tax and/or vehicle fuel surcharge may apply, except for dual purpose farm
Number of plates​Two
​Plates remain withSeller
​Personalized Available?Yes. $15 in addition to regular registration fee.
Plate colorBlack on white graphic
Statutory references.340.01(15n), s.340.01(15p), s.341.25(1)(c), s.341.25(2), s.341.26(3)(am)​
DMV inquiry​LTK
​DOJ "TIME" system inquiry​TK

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