Special license plates

Amateur radio | American Foundation for Suicide Prevention | Antique | Celebrate Children Foundation | Choose Life Wisconsin, Inc. | Civil Air Patrol | Collector | Collector Special | Cure Childhood Cancer | Disabled | Disabled Veteran | Donate Life Wisconsin | Ducks Unlimited | Elkhart Lake's Road America | Emergency Medical Services | Endangered Resources | Ex-prisoner of War | Firefighter | Freemason | Gold Star Family | Golf Wisconsin | Green Bay Packers | Harley-Davidson/Share the Road | Historic Military Vehicle | Hobbyist | Ice Age Trail Alliance | In God We Trust | Keeping the Lights On | Lao Veterans | Law Enforcement Memorial | Lions Foundation | Marquette University | Medal of Honor | Military Group | Milwaukee Brewers | Milwaukee Bucks | Nurses Change Lives |Operating Engineers| Rescue Squad Member | Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation | Special Designed Vehicle | Scouting Alumni | Spay, Neuter, Adopt | Trout Unlimited | University | U.S. Veteran Motorcycle | Versiti | Whitetails Unlimited | Wisconsin County Forests Association | Wisconsin National Guard | Wisconsin Salutes Veterans | Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation

Amateur radio

Available to current holders of FCC amateur radio licenses. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Amateur radio license plate Current design issued in 2001
Current design issued in 2001

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?No. Applicant's FCC call number is assigned as the plate number
Plate colorBlack characters on a white graphic background
Statutory references.341.14(2)
DMV inquiryAMA
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryAR

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention plate
First issued in 2024

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus a $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Organization.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorWhite characters with green fading to blue background
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquirySPF
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV


Available for 1945 or older model vehicles that have not been altered or modified from the manufacturer’s original specifications. The vehicle may only be used for special occasions such as display and parade purposes. Motorcycle version available. See also Collector and Hobbyist. View moreMore...

Antique license plate.
Current design issued in 1980

Registration periodNon-expiring
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?No
Plate colorGreen characters on a gold background
Statutory references.341.265
DMV inquiryANT
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryAQ

Celebrate Children Foundation

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. Two distinct plate styles are valid if currently registered. View moreMore...

Children plate
Current design issued in February 2016

Celebrate children. Current design issued in October 2010
Issued October 2010-January 2016

Celebrate children - Issued January 1999 through October 2010
Issued January 1999-September 2010

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus a $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to the Children's Trust Fund.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters (issued from October 2010) or red characters (issued prior to October 22, 2010) on the Celebrate Children Foundation background
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryKID
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Choose Life Wisconsin, Inc.

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Choose life plate
First issued in 2018

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new plates are issued
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee.
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with a black and white image of a baby's footprint for the decal on the left.
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryCLW
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Civil Air Patrol

Available to individuals who are current or retired members of the Civil Air Patrol. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Civil Air Patrol license plate
First issued in 2007

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the Civil Air Patrol logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryCVG
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV


Available for motor vehicles 20 model years old or older that have not been altered or modified from manufacturer’s specifications. Must have another vehicle currently registered in Wisconsin. Cannot be operated during the month of January without a temporary plate. Motorcycle version available. See also Antique and Hobbyist. View moreMore...

Collector license plate
First issued in 1972

Registration periodNon-expiring
FeeOne-time $50 collector vehicle issuance fee plus twice the annual registration fee for the vehicle type being registered.
Number of platesTwo (one for a motorcycle/moped)
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?No. A collector number is assigned as the plate number. Subsequent collector vehicles owned by the customer receive the sample plate number with an alpha suffix or prefix.
Plate colorRed characters on a light blue background
Statutory references.341.266
DMV inquiryCOL
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCL

Collector Special

Available to customers with a valid collector vehicle. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Collector special license plate.
Current design issued in 2001

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new plates are issued
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?No. The same collector number issued is assigned as the plate number. Subsequent collector vehicles owned by the customer receive the sample plate number with an alpha suffix or prefix.
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background
Statutory references.341.266 and s.341.14(2m)
DMV inquiryCLS
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCS

Cure Childhood Cancer

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

CCC plate
First issued in 2017

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new plates are issued
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee.
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with Help Cure Childhood Cancer logo and ribbon.
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryCCC
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV


Available to persons with a disability that impairs the ability to walk. Also issued to the employer of such person using a company vehicle, or to someone for whom such person is dependent for transportation. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. Motorcycle plate available. View moreMore...

Disabled license plate
Current design issued in 2000

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee
Number of platesTwo (one for a motorcycle)
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the International Symbol Access
Statutory references.341.14(1a)
DMV inquiryDIS
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Disabled Veteran

Available to persons with a disability that impairs the ability to walk and whose disability was incurred while in active U.S. military service. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Disabled veteran license plate.
Current design issued in 2009

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlue characters on a red, white and blue graphic with International Symbol of Access
Statutory references.341.14(1)
DMV inquiryVET
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryDV

Donate Life Wisconsin

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Donate Life Wisconsin license plate.
First issued in 2008

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to Donate Life Wisconsin, Inc.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the Donate Life logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryLIF
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Ducks Unlimited

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Ducks Unlimited license plate.
First issued in 2001

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to Ducks Unlimited.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the Ducks Unlimited logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryDUK
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Elkhart Lake's Road America

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Civil Air Patrol license plate
First issued in 2021

Civil Air Patrol license plate
Issued June 2024

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate color

White characters on a black background with the words ROAD AMERICA at the bottom and an outline of the racetrack
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryRAM
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Emergency Medical Services

Available to individuals who submit proof of eligibility. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. Two distinct plate styles are valid if currently registered. View moreMore...

EMS plate red
Red and white design issued in 2011

EMS plate white
White design issued in 2007

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor, home and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a red and white background or black characters on a white background with EMS Staff of Life logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryEMT (red and white design); CVG (white design)
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Endangered Resources

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. Three distinct plate styles are valid if currently registered. View moreMore...

Eagle plate
Eagle design issued September 2015

Endangered resources license plate - Badger design issued in 2010
Badger design issued 2010-August 2015

Endangered resources license plate - Wolf design reissued in 2007
Wolf design reissued in 2007

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus a $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to the WI Dept. of Natural Resources Endangered Resources Fund.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee.
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with wolf logo, black characters on a white background with a badger and prairie graphic, or black characters with an eagle graphic.
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryEND (wolf design); ENN (badger or eagle design)
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Ex-prisoner of War

Available to former prisoners of war as certified by the Veterans Administration. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Ex-prisoner of war license plate.
First issued in 1980

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
FeeNone for the first plate. Additional plates are the basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?No
Plate colorBlue characters on a white background
Statutory references.341.14(6)
DMV inquiryXPW
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryXP


Available to individuals who submit proof of eligibility. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. Two distinct plate styles are valid if currently registered. View moreMore...

Firefighter license plate - Current design issued in 2011
Design issued in 2011

Firefighter license plate - Current design issued in 2007
Design issued in 2007

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on red and white background or black characters on a white background with Maltese Cross logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryFFO (red and white design); FRF (white design)
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV


Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. Applicant must apply separately to the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of WI for Freemason decals to affix to the license plates. View moreMore...

Freemason license plate.
First issued in 2001

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the Freemason logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryMGP
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Gold Star Family

Available to persons who have had an immediate family member die while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Gold Star Family license plate.
First issued in 2006

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the Gold Star Banner logo.
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryGST
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Golf Wisconsin

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Golf Wisconsin license plate
First issued in 2006

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to Wisconsin Professional Golfers Association Junior Foundation and Wisconsin Department of Tourism.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the Golf Wisconsin logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryGLF
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Green Bay Packers

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Green Bay Packers license plate.
First issued in 2001

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to Lambeau Field.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a gold background with the Packer’s trademark logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryPAK
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Harley-Davidson/Share the Road

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Harley-Davidson/Share the road license plate.
First issued in 2011

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to motorcycle, moped and motor bicycle safety programs.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain with Seller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a gray background with the Harley-Davidson emblem
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryHAR
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Historic Military Vehicle

Available for historic military vehicles manufactured for use in any country's military forces. Vehicles that run on continuous tracks, or a combination of wheels and tracks, do not qualify. Must be 25 or more years old if imported from another country. The vehicle may only be used for special occasions such as display and show events. Motorcycle version available. View moreMore...

Historic military vehicle license plate.
First issued in 2010

Registration periodNon-expiring
Number of platesTwo (one for motorcycles and trailers)
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?No
Plate colorWhite characters on an olive green background with a star logo
Statutory references.341.269
DMV inquiryHMV or HMM (cycles)
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryML


Available for reconstructed or street modified motor vehicles 20 years or older, for replica vehicles 20 model years or older or for homemade vehicles. Must have another vehicle currently registered. Cannot be operated during the month of January without a temporary plate. Motorcycle version available. See also Antique and Collector. View moreMore...

Hobbyist license plate.
First issued in 1976

Registration periodNon-expiring
FeeOne-time $50 hobbyist issuance fee plus twice the annual registration fee for the vehicle type being registered.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?No
Plate colorYellow characters on a green background
Statutory references.341.14(4r), s.341.268(2)
DMV inquiryHOB
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryPE

Ice Age Trail Alliance

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Civil Air Patrol license plate
First issued in 2022

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to the Ice Age Trail Alliance
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a blue background with a mammoth
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryICE
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

In God We Trust

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

In God We Trust license plate.
First issued in 2014

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to Wisconsin Veteran Home member care.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on U.S. flag background
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryIGT
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Keeping the Lights On

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Keeping the Lights On Plate
First issued in 2020

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on white background with Keeping the Lights on logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryUTL
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Lao Veterans of America

Available only to certified members of Lao Veterans of America, Inc. Applicant must contact the Lao Veterans of America, Inc., for a Veteran’s Certificate and license plate stickers before applying for this license plate.

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Lao Veterans of America license plate.
First issued in 2001

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the Lao Veterans of America logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryMGP
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Law Enforcement Memorial

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

LEM plate
First issued in 2015

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with a logo incorporating the rose and shield emblem used by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund and an outline of Wisconsin.
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryLEM
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Lions Foundation

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Lions Foundation license plate.
First issued in 2010

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to Wisconsin Lions Club Foundation.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the Lions Club International emblem
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryLCF
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Marquette University

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Marquette University license plate.
First issued in 2010

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the Marquette University logo.
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryMRQ
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Medal of Honor

Available to any Wisconsin resident awarded the Medal of Honor. View moreMore...

Medal of Honor license plate.
Current design issued in 2009

Registration periodNon-expiring
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain with Seller
Personalized available?No

Plate color

Blue characters on a red, white, and blue background with medal and US flag
Statutory references.341.14(5)
DMV inquiryMDH
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCM

Military Group

Available to active, reserve or retired U.S. military personnel or military academy students or alumni who submit proof of eligibility. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. Two distinct plate styles are valid if currently registered. View moreMore...

Military - U.S. Naval Academy
Current design issued in July 2008

Military - Marine Corps Veteran.
Issued December 2006 through June 2008

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain with Seller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlue characters on a red, white and blue background (issued since 2008) or blue characters on a white background with the US flag (issued prior to 2008) with service, medal or academy logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryMLG
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryML

Milwaukee Brewers

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. Two distinct plate styles are valid if currently registered. View moreMore...

Milwaukee Brewers license plate Milwaukee Brewers license plate
Redesign 2020

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to the Southeast Wisconsin Professional Baseball Park District that oversees Miller Park.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee.
Plate colorWhite letters and numbers on a dark blue background with current Brewers 'M' logo or white characters on a dark blue background with the new ball and glove logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryMBN ('M' design); MBO (Ball and glove design)
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Milwaukee Bucks

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Bucks plate
First issued in 2016

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to reimburse the State of Wisconsin for funds provided for building the Bucks arena and to benefit the Milwaukee Bucks Foundation.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorWhite characters on a green background with the team logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryMBK
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Nurses Change Lives

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Nurse plate
First issued in 2017

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee
Number of platesTwo (one for a motorcycle)
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the heart and stethoscope image
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryNUR
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Operating Engineers Local 139

Available to individuals who submit proof of eligibility. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Operating Engineers Local 139 Plate  

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a yellow and black background with the local 139 logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryENG
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Rescue Squad Member

Available to individuals who submit proof of eligibility. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Rescue squad member license plate.
Current design issued in 2008

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the Maltese Cross logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryCVG
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Elk plate
First issued in 2016

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a graphic background with the Rocky Mountain Elk graphic
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryELK
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Scouting Alumni

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Scouts Alumni plate Scouts Eagle plate
Boy Scout and Eagle Scout decals first issued in 2017

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee
Number of platesTwo (one for a motorcycle)
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the Boy Scout or Eagle Scout symbol
Statutory references.341.14(1a)
DMV inquiryBSA
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Spay, Neuter, Adopt

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Civil Air Patrol license plate
First issued in 2024

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to The Fix is In, Inc.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a rolling farmland background with a dog, cat, and rabbit
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryFIX
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Special Designed Vehicle

Issued for home-built, reconstructed or manufactured vehicles having a maximum speed of 35 m.p.h. Applicant must have a special restricted operator license. Two distinct plate styles are valid if currently registered.

Celebrate children - Issued January 1999 through October 2010
Current design issued in 2003

Special designed vehicle - Designed issued 1992 through 2003.
Designed issued 1992 through 2003

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationApril 30
Number of platesOne
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?

Plate colorBlack characters on a white background (4" x 7" issued in 2003) or green characters on a white background (4 3/8" x 8 1/8" issued prior to 2003)
Statutory references.341.067, s.343.075, s.343.135
DMV inquiryCYC
DOJ “TIME” system inquirySD

Trout Unlimited

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Trout Unlimited license plate.
First issued in 2015

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued plus $20 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to Wisconsin Tout Unlimited.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with a logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryTRT
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

University of Wisconsin Higher Education

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. Available for 13 University of Wisconsin System campuses. View moreMore....

University of Wisconsin higher education license plate.
Current design issued in 2007

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued plus $20 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) for the designated campus.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with a campus logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryHEG; HEM=Madison campus ONLY
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryHE

U.S. Veteran Motorcycle

Available to veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces who submit proof of eligibility. Available for motorcycles only. No special parking privileges are provided with the U.S. Veteran motorcycle plate. Both styles are valid if currently registered. View moreMore...

U.S. veteran motorcycle - Current design issued in 2003.
Current design issued in 2003

U.S. veteran motorcycle - Issued in 2002 through 2003.
Issued in 2002 through 2003

Registration period2 years
Plate expirationLast day of April even-numbered years
Fee $23 biennial fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesOne
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee ($30 for biennial registration)
Plate colorBlue characters on a white background with the US flag. Two different sizes: 4" x 7" issued from 2003 or 4 3/8" x 8 1/8"" issued prior to 2003.
Statutory references.341.14(6w)
DMV inquiryVMC
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryMC


Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Civil Air Patrol license plate
First issued in 2021

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate color

White characters on a colored background with the Versiti logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryVST
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Whitetails Unlimited

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Whitetails plate
First issued in 2016

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a graphic background with the Whitetails Unlimited graphic.
Statutory references.341.14(6m)
DMV inquiryWTU
DOJ "TIME" system inquiryCV

Wisconsin County Forests Association

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Wisconsin National Guard license plate.

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued plus a $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to the Wisconsin County Forests Association.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a graphic watercolor background with the Wisconsin County Forests Association logo.
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiry TRE
DOJ "TIME" system inquiryCV

Wisconsin National Guard

Available to a Wisconsin resident who is an active or retired member of the National Guard. Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. NO special parking privileges are provided with the Wisconsin National Guard plate. View moreMore...

Wisconsin National Guard license plate.
Current design issued in 2007

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlue characters on a red, white, and blue background with the US flag and minuteman logo
Statutory references.341.14(6m)
DMV inquiryWNG
DOJ "TIME" system inquiryNG

Wisconsin Salutes Veterans

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Wisconsin salutes veterans license plate.
First issued in 2006

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain withSeller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with US/Wisconsin flags and eagle logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquirySPT
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation

Available for autos, motor homes, motor trucks up through 8,000 pounds, and 12,000 pound farm trucks. View moreMore...

Wisconsin Women's  Health Foundation license plate.
First issued in 2006

Registration period1 year
Plate expirationFor auto, motor home, and truck registration: Last day of expiration month.
Fee Basic annual registration fee plus $15 when new non-personalized plates are issued, plus $25 annual donation (may be tax-deductible) to Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation.
Number of platesTwo
Plates remain with Seller
Personalized available?Yes. $15 annual fee
Plate colorBlack characters on a white background with the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation logo
Statutory references.341.14(6r)
DMV inquiryWHF
DOJ “TIME” system inquiryCV

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Envelope Email Wisconsin DMV email service