Display of license plates and validation stickers

License plates

State law requires that when WisDOT issues two license plates, both plates must be attached to the vehicle; one on the front and one on the rear. The plates must be maintained in a legible condition and displayed so that they can be seen and read. License plate brackets that cover any part of the readable message on a license plate are illegal.

Validation stickers

Most registration license plates receive validation stickers for display on the rear plate only if two plates are issued (customers receive registration validation stickers when they receive new license plates). WisDOT issues new license plate expiration stickers after payment of registration renewal fees. When receiving new stickers, WisDOT recommends removing the old sticker first, instead of affixing the new sticker over the old one. Cleaning and drying the license plate will also improve adhesion.

State law also requires that you place registration month and year stickers on the rear license plate in the manner directed by WisDOT. Stickers:

  • Must be affixed to the REAR license plate, right side up.
  • May not cover any letters, numbers or other registration information.

EV Hybrid sticker

A Wisconsin law requires that the orange "EV Hybrid" sticker be attached to each license plate issued for an electric or hybrid vehicle. This law was passed for the safety of first responders when dealing with these types of vehicles in emergency situations.

  • For standard-sized license plates (auto, light truck, etc.): the sticker should be attached to the upper right corner of each plate, just to the RIGHT of the bolt holes
  • For cycles, mopeds, and similar non-standard sized plates: the sticker should be attached to the upper right corner, just to the LEFT of the bolt hole

What is an EV Hybrid sticker?

The EV Hybrid sticker is an orange and black sticker to indicate that vehicles has electric or hybrid fuel types.

Why is Wisconsin issuing EV Hybrid stickers?

A Wisconsin law was passed in 2023 for the safety of first responders when dealing with electric powered vehicles in emergency situations. First responders will be able to quickly identify the vehicle as having electric components by the orange and black “EV Hybrid” sticker.

Where do I put the sticker?

See instructions on graphic above. How to attach the sticker is also provided on the Certificate of Registration for electric and hybrid vehicles.

Why did I get two stickers?

One is needed for each plate. Please see "Where do I put the sticker?" (Only one sticker is provided for cycle, moped, autocycle, etc. plates)

What if I already have a different sticker in the upper right corner where the EV Hybrid sticker is supposed to go?

Replacement year and/or month stickers can be requested online. Once replacement stickers arrive, place the stickers in the appropriate corner of the plate per the diagram “Where do I put the sticker.”

What if I transfer my plate to a non-EV Hybrid vehicle?

Please remove the EV Hybrid sticker from each plate. The stickers are used on hybrid and electric vehicles for the safety of first and secondary responders and should not be displayed on non-hybrid or non-electric vehicles. In lieu of removing the sticker, you can also request a new replacement plate online, for a fee at wisconsindmv.gov/vreplace.

I have not received my sticker yet. What do I do?

It may take some time for the stickers to be sent out to everyone. If you have not received your sticker by the end of July 2024, please contact DMV to request a new one.

If I don’t want the EV Hybrid sticker, do I still need to pay the Electric or Hybrid surcharge fee?


 I have a non-expiring and/or stickerless plate. Do I still need to display the EV Hybrid sticker?


For specific sticker placement information based on vehicle type, see the following:

Related links:


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